Your Questions Answered

  • How do we compete with hundreds or thousands of channels offered by competitors?

    …We don’t! We offer a more efficient way! There is no longer a need to waste hours and hours of your valuable time browsing through hundreds or thousands of channels to find a sound that resonates with your brand. Our smart blending tools enable you to work from a smaller and managed set of base channels to quickly create the sound that fits your brand.

  • Can I setup a schedule and / or blend per location?

    We are glad you asked this one… YES YOU CAN!

  • Can I setup a schedule for a specific time of day?

    Yes you can!

  • Do you have any seasonal stations?

    Yes, we’ve got you covered. If don’t see something suitable, reach out to our team. As we strongly believe in continuous improvement and customer satisfaction, we will look at your request and may include it in our offering in future.

  • Will there be any disruptions to the music?

    Great question! Streaming is reliant on internet connectivity, so if you choose the streaming option (from us, or any other music provider), you may be exposed to some outages. If you choose our industry leading CUBE Player, you will not be affected by any internet outages.

  • Does the music contain any ads?


  • How are you making sure musicians are paid fairly?

    We ensure royalty payments meet the requirements set by the various rights' organizations, and that artists get their fair share.

  • Are there any cancellation fees?

    Nope, AND you can cancel anytime.

  • What happens if I cancel my subscription and still get billed?

    Reach out to with subject line “Billing Issue” and we GUARANTEE a callback and plan for issue resolution within 48 hours.

  • Am I covered from a legal perspective?

    Absolutely. Rest assured, all music rights are properly licensed - we take care of this for you.

  • Why do I need to pay for music anyway? I can just stream my Spotify playlist... right?

    Wrong. Streaming solutions such as Spotify, Apple music etc. are designed for personal use and do not have the correct licensing for business use. They also offer versions which may not be aligned with your brand, such as versions with explicit content and live versions with interruptions. To play music in your business legally, you need to pay for performance/mechanical/copy rights depending on the type of use.

  • Why should I use Revolution music if I have a music provider right now?

    • Save time by easily creating unique channels to suit your brand.
    • Accurate, simple billing with a 48 hour callback guaranteed.
    • Save time and money by using automated messaging. We are the leaders in providing automated messages, enabling the quick creation of compelling in-store messages to promote products/specials, increasing in-store sales.
    • We are the technology leader in the industry, thriving on developing new efficiencies and staying on the cutting edge of technology. It’s an endless pursuit… so join us for the ride and create a unique competitive advantage for your business!